OnlyFans Allows the Use of NFTs as Profile Pictures: Bored Apes or CryptoPunks to Satisfy Fans’ Needs? — DailyCoin

2 min readFeb 11, 2022


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OnlyFans has been a mainstay of the crypto information space for a while. Just a few months ago, the platform a ban on all adult content, but immediately its mind. However, the short lifespan between the announcements was enough for numerous crypto maxis to start developing alternative platforms based on blockchain.

In relation to this, DailyCoin interviewed some of these creators to ask their opinions about switching to crypto platforms: read them here .

Recently, OnlyFans announced that it would be allowing users to set verified NFTs minted on Ethereum as their profile pictures. Moreover, CEO Ami Gan that the feature represents the first step in exploring the role that NFTs could play for the platform.

So far, however, the feature seems like nothing more than a flex. Although OnlyFans is a subscription platform, allowing any kind of interaction between creators and fans, it mainly gained traction as an NSFW and adult content platform.

Hence, it has become a question of whether the fans will be happy to find the image of some weird-looking Bored Apes or CryptoPunks rather than a photo of their favourite creator!

From another, equally important perspective, OnlyFans should be wary of its creators’ safety. It’s a common practice for pictures to be stolen from creators and shared as free resources.

OnlyFans would be well advised to better consider how to decrypt the content and distribute it on blockchain in order to eliminate the possibility of content theft. At the very least it seems like a more obviously beneficial way of integrating blockchain technology into the platform.

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